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Google Dorks

Google Dorks

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What are Google Dorks ?

Google Dorks, also known as Google Hacks, are special search terms or operators that can be used to refine and narrow down Google search results. These operators allow users to perform advanced searches and uncover specific information that may not be readily available through regular searches.

Google Dorks are commonly used by security professionals, researchers, and even malicious hackers to find vulnerabilities, exposed data, or sensitive information on the web.


Here is a list of common Google Dorks along with examples. These examples demonstrate the usage of Google Dorks to refine search queries and uncover specific information on the web.

  1. site:example.com
    Searches for results from a specific website or domain.
    Example: site:wikipedia.org artificial intelligence

  2. filetype:pdf
    Looks for files of a specific type (e.g., PDF, DOC, XLS) across the web.
    Example: filetype:pdf climate change

  3. intitle:keyword
    Searches for pages with the keyword in the page title.
    Example: intitle:resume software engineer

  4. inurl:keyword
    Searches for pages with the keyword in the URL.
    Example: active webcam page inurl:8080

  5. link:example.com
    Displays pages that link to a specific website.
    Example: link:wikipedia.org

  6. cache:example.com
    Retrieves the cached version of a web page.
    Example: cache:example.com

  7. related:example.com
    Finds websites related to a specific website.
    Example: related:wikipedia.org

  8. info:example.com
    Provides information about a specific website.
    Example: info:google.com

  9. allintext:keywords
    Searches for pages containing all the specified keywords in the body text.
    Example: allintext:openai chatbot

  10. intext:keyword
    Searches for pages containing the specified keyword in the body text.
    Example: intext:cybersecurity tips

  11. allinurl:keywords
    Searches for pages containing all the specified keywords in the URL.
    Example: allinurl:forum discussion

  12. inanchor:keyword
    Searches for pages containing the specified keyword in anchor text (text of links).
    Example: inanchor:"best smartphones"

  13. filetype:keyword
    Searches for files of a specific type related to the keyword.
    Example: filetype:csv population data

  14. intitle:index.of
    Searches for open directories or index listings.
    Example: intitle:index.of mp3

  15. intitle:"index of" keyword
    Searches for directories or index listings containing the keyword.
    Example: intitle:"index of" ebooks

  16. intext:username filetype:sql
    Searches for SQL database dumps containing usernames.
    Example: intext:admin filetype:sql

  17. inurl:robots.txt
    Finds the robots.txt file, which often contains information about website vulnerabilities or directories.
    Example: inurl:robots.txt

  18. site:example.com inurl:login
    Searches for login pages within a specific website or domain.
    Example: site:wikipedia.org inurl:login

  19. site:example.com ext:sql
    Searches for SQL files within a specific website or domain.
    Example: site:wikipedia.org ext:sql

Google Dorks provide immense power and flexibility in conducting research, vulnerability assessments, and information gathering. They enable users to search for specific file types, locate websites vulnerable to attacks, find exposed data, and identify hidden directories. These capabilities make Google Dorks valuable tools for security professionals, researchers, and ethical hackers to assess website security and protect against potential threats.

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